The Adversary’s Countdown

Religion and Politics in the Great Tribulation

Organized religion and politics are a spiritual chess game where we’re the pawns


Who is the target audience of The Adversary blog? Quite simply anyone who has an ear to hear! Anyone who is concerned about eternity, eternal life, or just simply trying to discover the real Jesus from the fake Jesus of organized religion and the difference.

The main mission is to point out the prophetic fact that a false messiah, the Adversary, is coming in a false Christian disguise before the true Messiah. Organized religion is a trap to escape from!

While all religions are basically nothing more than certain cultures of humanist dogma, Christianity is the most probable candidate as the Adversary’s vehicle for perpetuating false doctrine – although Judaism and Islam will not be far behind in the malaise.

Oh, Christianity has many semblances of spiritual truth, but it also has many falsehoods woven into its fabric.

The Fallacy of Organized Religion

What is a Christian? There are as many answers to that question as there are denominations. This is a huge factor since there is only one Jesus – Yeshua, one body of Messiah, one Spirit, one faith, one hope, one gospel of the Kingdom, etc.

The Adversary will likely be Christian with a deep understanding of Hebrew roots and Torah. The Adversary will understand Muhammad, the Qur’an, Hadith and Surahs. He will be the Constantine Christian of Christmas, Easter, and Sunday. He will be the long-awaited messiah of orthodox Judaism and the expected twelfth Imam of Islam coming to judge the world.

Yes, the deception will be deep and pervasive in the days ahead! Every religion with their sold-out operatives will be out supporting their politicians to enslave people in social justice schemes. It will be a constant sea change as the spirit of Lucifer creates a world without God.

But it will pass. Once we know when the great tribulation begins, then it will only be a matter of months, 1,290 days before King Yeshua – Jesus arrives to relieve the world.

The main emphasis is to help overcome deception from all the religious spin, and to learn the difference between the coming Adversary and the authentic Christ.

Explore blogs at your pleasure without all the hype and spiritualism. Let The Adversary’s Countdown share what we have learned since leaving churchianity two decades ago. Please feel free to share with friends, family and on social media!

This website is updated periodically. Everyone is welcome to leave a comment and encouraged to share their thoughts on blog articles. We do not intend to create debate. Our purpose is informing people of religion about the possibility that the world may soon be entering the Great Tribulation. Our goal is to provoke thought – not tell you what to think or what to do. If interested, keep reading. Please visit our bookshelf for other booklets. Thank you!

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Author’s Note

Most immediately see the physical ugliness with their physical eyes. That is how the cover of The Adversary is seen. That is intentional. But how the devil should be seen is with his ugly character and nature disguised as something else. It’s what can’t be seen.

What we will see in the beginning of the tribulation at first is a handsome, good natured, intelligent person that will promise the moon – or whatever a good life is perceived to be. He will speak in a gentle tone, have solutions for world peace and hunger and may even be a good Christian. In his native language, he will reason with your emotions. “If you just bow down and worship me, I will give you your heart’s desire.” And then all of a sudden BOOM! Life will take a drastic nosedive. The trap is organized religion. The snare is politics. The Adversary will deceive the whole world. He is the master gas lighter.