
  • Seven Headed Beast with Ten Horns

    The imagery recorded in Revelation 17 shown to apostle John while on the island of Patmos will be our backdrop. A seven headed beast with ten horns could exist at present but most certainly will be evident at the end of days. Main symbols are a scarlet-colored beast having seven heads and ten horns, and…

  • Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

    The four horsemen found in the Bible’s Revelation is about the coming apocalypse. Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy, so only he can reveal the interpretation and meaning of this book. Many from all three Abrahamic religions have tried. Some interpretations are plausible. Some are totally ridiculous. The four horsemen of the apocalypse are allegorical…

  • Secret Sudden Disappearance of Millions

    In my early Christian experience, the message preached was a secret sudden disappearance of millions. The belief was that very suddenly, Jesus Christ would secretly return to take born again believers back to heaven with him. Preached was that this could happen at any moment, in the twinkling of an eye, millions of people worldwide…

  • Lessons of Bravery and Cowardice

    Lessons in bravery and cowardice.

  • The 2020 Pandemic

    It’s not by mere chance how things are named. Persons, places and things in the physical realm appear from the unseen spiritual world. Nothing just happens. Everything Lucifer is allowed to do is by the permissive will of God. Why? Because our Creator has supreme authority and is in total control of the entire universe.…

  • Master of Impossible Situations

    In the Bible, Lucifer the adversary is prophesied to make his appearance first. Jesus steps in to save the world. The devil will place himself in the spiritual temple of the congregation to show he is God. This false leader of our spiritual conscience is here already. He demands that we accept him and his…