Discerning the Times

Eschatology is the study of end times prophecy. Interpreting scripture is one thing, but understanding numerical patterns is another. This is not complicated. Where are we in the grand scheme of end times prophecy? Let’s do a forensic study of simple numbers and patterns using a basic interpretation. With this, we can start discerning the times and see where we are.

The Adversary’s Countdown are not about churchianity or having a spiritual experience. We are not looking to create doubt or build a following. This work is about planting seeds in the minds of those willing to understand. Very seldom does a planter of seeds stick around to watch seeds planted germinate, grow or bear fruit. We just plant to make people think. What a mind thinks are between them and God. Only the Holy Spirit can open a mind and lead into all truth.

Discerning the times becomes relevant because of the age we live at present. Jesus-Yeshua is coming back as a ruling King. How you want to meet him is between you and him. We just present a perspective of the scriptures that is outside of churchianity because we operate outside of organized religion.

The agronomic Hebrew calendar is a time keeping method that God wrote the specifications. He determined the programs by which it operates, and above all, he abides by it and uses it with his scheduling and planning. All historical records and legal procedures in the past, present, and future appointments regarding all humanity relate to the Creator’s agronomic calendar.

The subject of this Sacred Calendar is important because of its details in the plan of redemption and restoration. Discerning end times prophecy and the Hebrew Calendar go hand in hand. For more information, go to websites Bookshelf page.https://theadversary.blog/bookshelf-for-more-information/

Seven Day Week

During creation week our Creator built a foundational model of seven days making a week. A week is the standard of time, a short work of the Almighty in a plan to redeem and restore a kingdom devastated by a rebellion. The concept of a seven-day week originates with Creator God; therefore, it is foundational in discerning the times and where we’re at in that plan.

Each day of the week has a primary importance since a day is as a thousand years to God and a thousand years is as a day. The interpretation is a 7,000-year plan to recreate what was destroyed in the Adversary’s rebellion.

“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

2 Peter 3:8, KJV

Biblical Time Defined

In the Sacred Calendar two kinds of time are defined using Greek words chronos and kairos. Both are used in discerning the times in which we live.

Chronos means the order of events, or a general passage of time as found in the meaning of English word chronology.

Kairos means phases or events occurring within the chronology of time or parts of a sequence.

Before ascending to heaven Jesus said to his disciples, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power” (Acts 1:7).

In this instance he was pointing to kairos time events requiring only his authority to know and when to execute. These events are such as an invitation to salvation or the birth of a nation or time of death. It could be the duration of a trial in which an individual will endure in life such as the Babylonian Captivity.

Kairos events taking place during chronological events are deliberately hidden and what Jesus said is not for us to know. They often take place or occur suddenly beyond human reasoning or explanation.

He was not talking about the order or chronology of time. Jesus wants his disciples to understand and know the general passage of chronos time. In this, he commands us to remember or to keep a certain time called the Sabbath day. These are the mo’edim or appointed times called Holy Days or feasts. God’s feast days, specifically the fall feasts, are rehearsals leading to kairos time events.

Where We Are Now

As students of the Bible, and beginner eschatologists, we can put an overview of history on the table from creation week until this present time.

We are roughly in the fourth month of the biblical year 6024 using the agronomic Hebrew calendar. This is the seventh thousand-day period of a “God week” or Sabbath millennium we are now living in.

This certain “week” can be established as the thousand-year period that all things will finish and come to pass. It can be regarded as the millennial reign of Christ and Day of the Lord. We are on the precipice of a spiritual Kingdom of God being born again. But first all humanity must go through the Adversary and great tribulation to get there.

Many will be brought into alignment with God’s ways through great tribulation.

Seventy Weeks Ministry

A three- and one-half year ministry of Jesus can be debunked. It is more of a traditional assumption than a proven fact. Jesus’ ministry was only seventy weeks from his Jordan River baptism until the baptism of the church age in the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.

The prophet Daniel’s seventy weeks or 490 days prophecy is a better fit for Jesus’ ministry. This truth is important when examining biblical truth. Jesus’ ministry was sixty-two weeks from his water baptism until his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Then there is a week from the triumphal entry until his resurrection. The remaining seven weeks is from the Day of Firstfruits until the Day of Pentecost, including his ascension.

It can be further proven Jesus’ triumphal entry and resurrection were both on a weekly seventh day Sabbath. Using Exodus 16:1 and counting backward proves the crucifixion took place on a Wednesday. The fifteenth day of the second month was only one month out from leaving Egypt. This was the Law Jesus came to fulfill as spoken in his first sermon on the Temple Mount (Matthew 5:17).

In Exodus 16:1, the God of Israel only spoke with Moses in the tent of meeting on the weekly Sabbath day. Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, so this also fits better than tradition.

Law of The Lamb

A lamb in its first year

The truth is that Jewish Jesus had nothing to do with pagan Sunday, Easter or Christmas in any of his life!

For more detailed information, read Traditional Resurrection Expose available here. http://thebp.net/261522

Three and a half years ministry are debunked base upon interpretation of the scriptures. The law of the lamb is a male lamb in its FIRST year without blemish. First year of what? A one-year ministry. At Nazareth, Jesus read Isaiah 61:2 recorded in Luke 4:19, “To preach the acceptable YEAR of the Lord.”

Third Day of The Church Age

“After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up and we shall live in his sight.”

Hosea 6:2, KJV

Each segment reveals a plan in the seventy weeks ministry of Jesus. But it initiated during the fifth millennium or fifth day according to the creation model. Since then, it has been 2,000 years or two days. We are now in the seventh day since creation or third day of the church age. Overlaying each upon one another is the same thousand-year period.

When we hear of the “last days,” we think of our present day. But the last days have been since the days of Jesus’ earthly ministry until now. We can say the past twenty-one centuries have been the last days. This is half of the 4,200-year Babylonian era.

A third millennium since the ascension and a seventh and Sabbath millennium since creation are the same time. This still leaves a huge amount of time for Jesus Christ to physically return. But we can narrow it down to even a smaller frame of time.

Pinpointing the Century of Jesus’ Return

Nimrod was the great grandson of Noah. Nimrod began laying the foundation of ancient Babylon about 160 years after Noah steps off from the Ark on the mountains of Ararat. To put this in perspective, Babylon began rising as a city about 1,817 years since creation week.

The Bible teaches that Nimrod’s Babylonian brainchild will last for forty-two months, which in this case can be considered forty-two centuries. That is a span of 4,200 years from its conception to death. We are there at the end in discerning the times.

If Babylon began in 1817, and we add 4,200 years, it comes to the year 6017 on the agronomic Hebrew calendar. The current year is 6024. This is not precise but calculated using genealogies provided in Genesis between Adam and Nimrod.

Babylon will not have a forty-third month or century. It’s only a question of when it actually began and when it will end.

The point being made is that we are here at the end in the last century or hundred-year period. Sometime from 6017 and 6117, the prophecy of Babylon falling for a second time will come to pass. Ancient physical Babylon has fallen long ago, but spiritual Babylon will also fall. On our modern calendar that would be between the Gregorian calendar years of 2017 to 2117, allowing the next ninety-three years.

However, with other information like the generation that will not pass away until all things are fulfilled (Matthew 24:34), this could be in the next 25 years. Which generation was Jesus talking about? The baby boom generation born between 1946 to 1964 when the nation state of Israel was born in 1948.

A Day of Trumpets

Everything Jesus does has order. Just as his life and execution was according to the Law and the Prophets he came to fulfill; his return will be accordingly with the same precise exactitude. Fulfilling the Day of Trumpets is the biggest key to discerning the times – and a day to watch!

Sounding the shofar

Hebrew word miqra means rehearsal. Behind all the Holy Days is a rehearsal. This day was set as a memorial on the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) in Exodus 19. This was the time that God handed down the Ten Commandments written in stone at Mt. Sinai. When Yeshua returns, will he find his Commandments written on your heart?

“And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.”

~Jesus of Nazareth in the gospel of Matthew 19:16-17, KJV

A Day of Trumpets is the day that Jesus will physically return and appear. It is the only Holy Day option that will work on a day and hour that knows no man. Unless one is waiting and watching, it will come suddenly as a thief in the night.

Yom Teruah or Day of Trumpets begins fulfillment of the fall Holy Days. Then follows Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement that the sheep and the goats are separated. This will be a work of the angel reapers.

A trumpet is used to announce something big, to give warning, or a sound of war. All three details fit what is about to go down. Discerning the times is key to understanding the Adversary is coming first. Steps have already begun to set the world stage.

State of Israel 1948

I would assert that the body Jesus is organizing and building began on the first Pentecost after his resurrection. The true body of Christ is composed of the ecclesia or called-out-ones, those called out from Babylon and all of its religious systems and dogmas. The ecclesia also bears the name of Israel of which Jesus-Yeshua is King.

The modern state of Israel that Christianity, Islam and Judaism are concerned with exists only to fulfill end times prophecy. But these are not Yeshua’s loyal followers. Israel rejected Yeshua and murdered him.

The so-called modern Church is not his body either – neither Catholic nor Protestant. A body that is sectarian (denominational), has a Nicolaitan hierarchy, keeps pagan traditions, and keeps a day other than the Sabbath, is all contrary to what Jesus taught according to Torah. The entity described in the book of Revelation called Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and beast she rides, is the modern Church and religious governments of men.

The primary purpose of Middle East Israel and the Mother Church is to deceive the world by manipulation. There is only one body of Messiah, one Holy Spirit, one faith, one hope and one Torah that Yeshua is working with. It is a spiritual organism bearing the name of Israel that struggles with the goals and agenda of Jesus Christ its King.

This one body is whom a New Covenant is made. And Torah is being written on hearts of those called out from Babylon. Yeshua raised the law to a higher spiritual plane reaching into every nuance of human thought and behavior of his called-out-ones. Torah is the instructions.


Jerusalem in the Middle East that many wars have been fought over for millennia belongs to Satan the Adversary since rejecting and murdering Yeshua.

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”

Matthew 23:37-39, KJV

Has Israel, comprised mainly of Orthodox Jews, said blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord (Baruch Haba Hashem Adonai)? Jerusalem is left desolate because they murdered the Prophet whom they should hear!

Apostle Paul made this distinction about Jerusalem to the Galatians with his allegory of Abraham in Chapter 4:21-31.

There will be a third Jewish temple rebuilt, not for Messiah Yeshua, but for the Adversary, anti-messiah. Construction could begin anytime. Not since the high priest Ezra dedicated the second temple after exiled Jews began returning to Jerusalem has a red heifer been slaughtered.

The nation of Israel granted statehood by the United Nations on May 15, 1948, is key to discerning the times. Statehood is what started the heavenly stopwatch counting down to the great tribulation followed by the return of Jesus Christ.

Israel just marked its seventieth birthday in 2017, the same year the United States Embassy was moved to Jerusalem by President Donald Trump. Statehood or the reemergence of Israel rising from the ash heap of history after 2,520 years of historical oblivion also fulfills Daniel’s prophecy.

Red Heifer Sacrifice in Jerusalem

Israel’s current war with Hamas beginning October 7, 2023, was a result of five red heifers arriving in Israel. Muslims know what this means and fear the destruction of the Dome on the Rock Mosque, Islam’s third most holy site.

The Temple Institute photo of red heifer

The day this began was on the Jewish feast of Shemini Atzeret or the Last Great Day. This is key in discerning the times. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/9/what-do-texan-red-heifers-have-to-do-with-al-aqsa-and-a-jewish-temple

It has been since Ezra the high priest slaughtered a red heifer and dedicated rebuilding a second temple after the Babylonian captivity.

The first temple was built by King Solomon. A second temple was built after the captivity by Zerubbabel. A third temple will be built by an unknown at this time world leader who will have the spirit of anti-messiah. This world leader will come promising peace, prosperity and safety.

This individual could very well be the personification of Lucifer himself. A deceived world will love and follow him.

Since these red heifers are already in Israel, and since they must be slaughtered before they age out, it is highly probable that the sacrifice will be made before Passover 2025.

Construction of a third temple may begin shortly thereafter and be completed in 2025. https://templeinstitute.org/

Neither animal blood sacrifices nor another temple is needed for King Yeshua or his ecclesia.

We must understand that this distortion and misunderstanding by Abrahamic religions is needed to accommodate the Adversary. A third temple will be the pretext for world war that the Adversary will bring his false peace to the world and make a covenant of death with Israel.

Third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem

 The twenty-first century will likely include the physical appearing of Jesus according to prophecy. Looking at current world events, we could stipulate that the next decade, perhaps the next five years, could be the most probable. But what are some more supporting evidence?

Aside from the aforementioned red heifer sacrifice, and anticipated rebuilding of a third Jewish temple in Jerusalem, geopolitical forces are setting the stage worldwide.

Will the 2024 election in America make a difference? Jesus is not confined to human reasoning, so whoever is elected president, congress, for governor, or to state legislatures will not stop the fulfilling of prophecy. God will have his way and accomplish his purpose regardless of human elections.

A third temple will be rebuilt however or whatever political forces collaborate or conflict. And this may be taking place soon.

“Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.”

Isaiah 46:10, KJV

The Adversary’s Final Test from Jerusalem

Looking at current world events, it doesn’t take too much discernment of the times to realize that the Adversary coming in person could be very soon. The devil’s signs and presence are evident everywhere. His nature of vanity pride and ego is manifesting in every corner of the world. His violence and strife are breaking out all over.

Display of Baphomet at Iowa Capitol in December 2023

Just before Jesus returns the Adversary will make his appearance and all the world will be compelled to choose between the SEAL of God and the mark of the beast, between the Sabbaths of the LORD God of Israel and the feasts of paganism. The lead up to this spiritual election has already begun. Millions in and out of Christianity and other religions have already decided WHAT they believe and WHOM they will follow even if they deny this.

For details, read Missing the Mark here. http://thebp.net/264260

Every human being will decide very soon as the final test of the great tribulation is about to begin. Lucifer is setting up his HQ in Jerusalem to administer the final exam. There is nothing we can do politically to stop it. All religions combined can do nothing to stop it.

Great Trial of 1,290 Days

This great trial or great tribulation is prophesied to last for 1,290 days once the Adversary takes his seat in the third temple and the collective conscience of humanity. The Adversary will attempt to show the world he is God.

What is its purpose you might be asking? Why would God allow this suffering? The event of great tribulation is to produce the First Fruits of a kingdom.

The Adversary is God’s instrument to test and qualify a priesthood government. The devil will compel many to wash white their robes and produce a great multitude without number according to Revelation 7. How does this work? I don’t have any idea other than it works for God. It is prophesied.

Jesus set the example in his life and in his death.

“Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered. And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.”

Hebrews 5:8-9. KJV