Seven Headed Beast with Ten Horns

The imagery recorded in Revelation 17 shown to apostle John while on the island of Patmos will be our backdrop. A seven headed beast with ten horns could exist at present but most certainly will be evident at the end of days. Main symbols are a scarlet-colored beast having seven heads and ten horns, and a whorish woman. The ten horns will be our primary focus with notable mention of the other symbols. A common interpretation of the ten horns are ten geographical nations, but let’s think outside of the box.

Anatomy of Tribulation Beast

How things appear in spirit may not always appear as something distinguishable in the physical. Revelation 17 is an allegory. A story interpreted to reveal hidden meaning is an allegory.  A seven headed beast with ten horns is an allegory. What if the ten horns are instead oligarchy’s and not the commonly accepted geographical nations?

An oligarchy are small groups of people having a monopoly over various industries or occupational skills. The Bible describes ten kings or kingdoms that will give their power to the beast for one hour. How long is one hour in spirit terms? Could it be 42 or 43 months measured in real time? That is the length of the great tribulation.

These may not necessarily be geographical kingdoms but rather a conglomerate of human necessities controlled by the seven headed beast with ten horns to snare and control the world.

Human nature will compel compliance with the beast to worship his image, his name and his number to survive. The other option is to die from lack of critical care; failure to obtain what is conducive to sustain life. Imagine a world run by ten oligarchs managed by an Adversary who controls everything like a prison warden of a penal colony.

Working with Bureaucratic Frustration

If you have ever dealt with bureaucracy before, it can be the most frustrating thing possible when others have decision making power over your life. The nature of bureaucracy is the same as a seven headed beast with ten horns.

When dealing with bureaucracy it is nothing but cyclical conversation. You can listen to a bureaucrat for an hour and know less than when the conversation started. No one is ever to blame, and fault can never be found although something apparently went wrong. The frustration will be the spirit working behind the Adversary.

The presented oligarch theory is only one such interpretation as we think outside of the box. As we imagine a future great tribulation, there is nothing of such horror to compare it with. We could use regional genocides and the Holocaust. This is the worst of times, never to have ever been before nor ever will be again. This will be the worst possible scenario we can imagine.

So, for the sake of argument, lets identify and assign the ten horns as oligarchs and seven headed beast as Rome. Let’s follow the breadcrumbs to its logical conclusion and paint a word picture.  

Revelation 17:1-3 “Seven Angels Execute Judgment”

“And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters. With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication. And the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.”

Seven angels with seven bowls will execute judgment on the great whore. Sitting on many waters symbolizes controlling many people. With the great whore all the kings or high-profile politicians have intercourse. Political intoxication is by having fornication with the whorish woman of Babylon. She is beautiful and a pleasure to make love to. Touching her takes away the will to resist sin.

This woman sits as a liability on the back of the scarlet-colored beast. This describes the Christian religion that is full of the names of blasphemy. Christianity worships other gods and says they are doing it for Jesus. Christianity has forgotten the Creator’s Sabbath for another day established by edict issued from the Roman Catholic Church. It’s a sectarian religion with a Nicolaitan hierarchy, which Jesus said he hates.

I know this may come as a shock, but Jesus never came to start another religion called Christianity. He is not in any of man’s religious systems, including Judaism. Jesus is, however, calling and drawing people out of these cults to redeem them and build his Kingdom. He is repopulating his Kingdom from discarded broken people he plans on giving a new life to.

The Ten Horns

Let’s imagine ten oligarchs as opposed to geographical kingdoms. Each control a specific area of industry that the whole world relies on or needs.

Picture of an oligarchy

A biblical “horn” symbolizes a king. A “king” is a cabinet director, bureau secretary or czar today. An oligarch kingdom could mean a corporation.

Either way, a powerful individual and small group loyal to a head of state, namely Lucifer, will control a corporation of a specific service or product for the survival of man.

Each oligarch will hold total power in their corporate field. Examples of bureaucratic oligarchs are not listed in any order of power. All oligarchs working together will control the world’s goods and needs. The ten kings are controlled by a spiritual entity having wicked character.

Do not expect anything to make sense during the 1,290-day reign of The Adversary. This will be the worst of times since the creation of man.

The seven headed beast (Church of Rome) having ten horns (oligarchs). 

1. Bureau of Banking, Commerce & Trade

Purpose & Mission: To create a secure digital currency and control all financial institutions through a centralized world bank. The bureau determines credit limits. Whoever has the power to control money controls the economy and people.

Centralization of Credit in the Hands of the State, by Means of a National Bank with State Capital and an Exclusive Monopoly.

Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, 1848 

Duties & Responsibilities: To authorize, regulate, and record all financial transactions and commerce. The Adversary has the right as supreme authority to review all business between buyer and seller to ensure the safety of the world community. Of the ten horns that protrude from the seven headed beast, banking and finance would be of primary importance. Money is the essence of the economy.

Prohibitions & Consequences. All former mediums of exchange will be obsolete and prohibited. Banking officials violating their duty are sent to reeducation camps for motivational training. Training will be to encourage compliance and modify thinking. Anyone making unauthorized financial transactions or making unauthorized trades will be reeducated. Any subsequent offense will result in imprisonment or worse. Everyone must comply to buy and sell and participate in the economy.

Adversary’s End-Run Game

The world thought it had a problem with Jesus. Too many rules to follow. Too judgmental. Not showing up when we needed him. So, now we have a problem. Jesus has left the building, and we have a new master to deal with for a short time. It’s time to meet the seven headed beast with ten horns. Mess with the beast and get the horn. The world wanted a god that would serve human needs. But the devil Adversary wants man to sacrifice to him, to play his game. The devil just made an end run around humanity. We now get Barabbas.

Get a copy of the Adversary here.

2. Bureau of Education & Higher Learning

Purpose & Mission: To provide a first-class education for all citizens of the world community, and to help understand the world leader’s vision of producing healthy relationships. Core principles will center around a curriculum of diversity, equity and inclusivity. Core curriculum will be used in grades K-12. All junior and senior high schools, and all colleges and trade schools for the future of the community. Second important horn of a seven headed beast with ten horns would educating the youth.

Duties & Responsibilities: All professors, instructors and teachers will be certified by the bureau at every institution and grade level. All certified educators will maintain qualifications in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI); Critical Race Theory (CRT); and Collaborative for Academia, Social, Emotional, Learning (CASEL), and all modern progressive tools of indoctrinating youth.

Prohibitions & Consequences. Home schooling is prohibited. For the safety of the community. Citizens providing unauthorized instruction will be sent to reeducation camps. To encourage compliance and correct thinking. Offenses are detrimental to the community. Unauthorized teaching is punishable by imprisonment or death.  Freedom of thought and expression are fine to a point as long as it leans away from or completely removes any semblance of a Creator and a gospel message of a Savior and body of law such as the Ten Commandments.

3. Bureau of Healthcare & Physical Fitness

Purpose & Mission: A healthy society is imperative to the survivability of world. Therefore, the bureau’s mission is to provide free healthcare for all production workers and contributors to the benefit of the community. The bureau will enforce community vaccinations against all viruses, sicknesses and diseases, to maintain health.

Duties & Responsibilities: To ensure all operational functions of hospitals and clinics, and maintain and retain qualified medical personnel and support groups. To provide first aid supplies and maintenance of all emergency medical equipment. Reproductive choice facilities will be available. To provide a plentiful supply of infant sacrifices. Sexual relations, including rape and incest, will no longer be criminal. This will accommodate Molech’s demand of infant supply.

Prohibitions & Consequences. Citizens failing to live healthy lifestyles and present a clean bill of health issued by the bureau. This is a threat to the global community. Offenders will be imprisoned until compliance is met. Reasonable time is allowed to correct. If compliance is refused, summary execution may be ordered by quarantine and starvation.

4. Bureau of Social Justice & Enforcement

Gestapo just “doing their job” c. 1938

Purpose & Mission: To ensure and develop a network with extreme loyalty and allegiance to the supreme leader Lucifer. This bureau is the Secret State Police or Gestapo. Every citizen will be subject to mandatory reporting and monitoring of their neighbor for any infractions of community policy. The bureau will conduct periodic compliance checks. This is to ensure that the supreme ruler’s edicts are followed.

Duties & Responsibilities: The standing order of every citizen is to monitor and report any suspicious deviations of social justice regulation. The entire community of Babylon will abide under the same tribute as determined necessary by bureau enforcers. This bureau will supervise and be in charge of all public executions. All executions will have no appeal once determined by the bureau. There will be no dissension or riot permitted in the community. Penal colonies, death squads and facilities will be managed by the bureau.

Prohibitions & Consequences. Offenders are sent to reeducation facilities for behavioral modification. An offender is anyone worshipping Jesus or in possession of a Bible. Time served will be as long as the adjustment may require. Habitual offenders will not be tolerated by the Adversary. All such violators will be taken to the death facility for immediate termination.

5. Bureau of Workforce Development & Labor

Purpose & Mission: The bureau will ensure each able-bodied worker has a duty or responsibility for the good of the global community. The bureau will be the sole employer of each citizen, the labor force.

Duties & Responsibilities: Pay will be fair and equal among the labor force regardless of duty. There will be no need for self-employment. Wages will be set by the bureau. Work hours and shifts are determined by the bureau. Community development for the good of the community will supersede the good of the individual.

Prohibitions & Consequences: The bureau will determine each individual’s ability to work. There will be no unemployment benefits. Workers performing unauthorized duty are sent to reeducation camp for correction. Persuasive techniques will be applied accordingly to produce model citizens. Second offenses will immediately face summary execution.

6. Bureau of Housing & Utilities

Purpose & Mission. There are no more private property rights. This will be to meet the demands of equality and fairness. The mission of the bureau will be to assign location and type of housing necessary for the betterment of the community. Utilities such as water, electricity, garbage pick-up, Internet and cable available to a tenant based on submitting an application of demonstrated need. Needs are reviewed and approved by the bureau.

Duties & Responsibilities: Each individual will maintain and care for their dwelling and privileges the bureau issues. Responsibility will be accepting all decisions made by the bureau as final. Terms of the bureau are accepted without recourse. The bureau will determine all suspension of utilities at its discretion whenever such measures are necessary.

Prohibitions & Consequences: There will be no complaints or appellate boards to correct any housing errors of the bureau since the bureau is not capable of making mistakes. Complainers will not be tolerated. Complainers will be sent to a reprogramming camp to meet housing and shelter standards of conduct. Any subsequent problems arising from a failure to comply will be viewed as hostile. Termination with extreme prejudice for the good of the community will follow.

7. Bureau of Transportation & Distribution

Purpose & Mission: To maintain roadways and bridges, airports and railways for the use of distributing all necessary produce and products for the benefit of a functioning society.

Duties & Responsibilities: To issue all driver’s licenses, and issue vehicle insurance. This bureau will enforce all traffic laws, regulate all rules of the road, and adjust all insurance claims. The bureau will ensure travel requirements and who may travel where and when. All departure and destination schedules must be approved by the bureaucracy.

Prohibitions & Consequences: All travelers must keep a log of all travel to and from all destinations for the safety of society. A properly maintained travel log will be made available to all inspection officers. Travel logs will be strictly enforced for compliance. First offenses will result in suspension of travel privileges. Travel privilege violations will be subject to imprisonment until behavior harmful to the community is corrected. Length of sentence will be based on health, productivity and reproductive choices. A habitual violator serving no purpose, and regarded as a nuisance for the supreme commander, will be summarily executed.

8. Bureau of Agriculture & Food Production

Purpose & Mission. Food to sustain life will be produced by dedicated farm workers. Bureau of labor and workforce development will determine who is assigned to farming, gardening, and food production. The bureau will work closely with the bureau of transportation and distribution to ensure timely arrival of all food products.

Duties & Responsibilities; community assets assigned to food production will perform their duties and responsibilities for the benefit of the community. Aging out or due to injury will be sent to the bureau to determine continued community usefulness. Those no longer deemed useful will be euthanized for the good of the community. The community will keep bed space freed up for workers that can recover and be returned to work as soon as possible.

Prohibitions & Consequences: Failure to perform as an agriculture worker is not an option. Failure to perform will be sent for reeducation. Betterment classes to encourage compliance and productivity to meet bureau and community needs. Offenders will be terminated without prejudice. The bureau will show no leniency for lazy workers.

9. Bureau of Human Relations & Entertainement

Purpose & Mission: To ensure peaceful relationships and entertainment for the good of humanity and provide services for the benefit of man. To replace love with tolerance. Love causes too many lies and too much jealousy in the past. Love will not be tolerated for the good of the community.

Duties & Responsibilities: In the past marriage caused societal dissension and strife. Marriage is obsolete and no longer needed. Divorce will no longer be necessary. The bureau will determine all relationships based on bureau needs.

Human relations are divided into two departments. Production workers and child sacrifice producers. Human usefulness will be assessed by the bureau. Child sacrifice will be conducted by the bureau of healthcare. Once relationship or entertainer has aged-out and exceeded community usefulness. Life will be terminated to free up room for producers of the bureau.

Prohibitions & Consequences: Any violations or attempts to evade the purpose of the bureau will receive no second chance. Summary executions are authorized to maintain control.

10. Bureau of Artificial Intelligence & Technology

Artificial Intelligence – man or machine?

Purpose & Mission: To prevent the dissemination of wrong information that has proven to be disastrous as a result of free thought. Human beings think the wrong things historically. The bureau will maintain a central database for collecting government and religious intelligence. To keep the supreme ruler informed, the bureau is modeled after the CIA, FBI, ATF, and DEA. He will communicate with his subjects loyal to his name.

Duties & Responsibilities. Information is monitored and regulated. To maintain peace in the community, every citizen will be required to keep the supreme leader at peace. The duty of man will be to please the supreme leader. Television networks, radio programming, and the Internet will be monitored and supervised to protect the community. Protected from hostile indoctrination and free thinking that is discriminatory and biased to DEI standards of conduct. Actions will be monitored for intrusive thoughts. Speech will be monitored. Let the will the Adversary be done.

Prohibitions & Consequences. Shortwave radio or any other form of electronic communications are prohibited. Any violations of bureau regulations and standards will be subject to arrest and moved to a reeducation facility for behavior modification. Any secondary offenses will face summary execution. The supreme ruler will not be trifled with.

Revelation 17:4-6 “Woman Dressed in Purple and Scarlet”

“The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour. And decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. Upon her forehead was a name written. Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.”

The Mother Church of Christianity

Purple and scarlet colors of the symbolic woman are notable. She has having everything without want. Her golden cup symbolizes that she drinks with the best, from gold, like eating from a golden spoon. But all these items of self-serving are abominations like pride and greed.

And the name written on her forehead, “Mystery, Babylon the Great, The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of The Earth.” Especially the mother of Harlots. What other church in Christianity is the Mother Church? And mother of harlots? What harlot daughter churches came from this mother of fornication? The Protestant daughter churches!

Revelation 17:7-9 “The Woman Sits on Seven Mountains”

“And the angel said unto me, wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. The beast that thou sawest was and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition. And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder. Whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world. When they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.”

Rome sits on seven mountains. These are the seven heads of the beast. This must mean the ten horns attached to the seven heads are ran from Rome. The woman symbolizes the church. Rome represents the seven headed beast where the woman sits. The ten horns are the kings or oligarchs.

The whorish woman seduces and manipulates. The beast intimidates with fear. The dynamic duo uses charm or fear, whatever is needed to deceive the world.

Revelation 17:10-12 “Power for One Hour”

“And there are seven kings. Five are fallen, and one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he cometh, he must continue a short space. The beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”

Who are the seven kings? The five fallen kings are empires; Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medes & Persia, Greek Macedonia. The next is the Roman Empire extant at the time John receives the allegory. The other not yet come is the Holy Roman Empire, the seventh, and the Roman Catholic Church. The eighth of the seventh is the Protestant harlot daughters coming out of the mother Roman Catholic Church in 1517.

John projects forward Daniel’s vision of the four beasts; the beast that was, and is not, even he is. The beast that was is the pagan Roman Empire. The beast that is not was the Holy Roman Empire. Beast that is, is the present day Roman Catholic Church. Notice the same Roman thread running through the end times beast. What religion does the beast encompass? Christianity!

Revelation 17:13-15 “War with the Lamb”

“These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them. For he is Lord of lords, and King of kings. And they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.”

Being of one mind means to think alike or the same, to have the same goals and agenda. The unity of the collective world will give power to the seven headed beast and ten horns. And this collective power will war against the Lamb Yeshua, and he will defeat them.

They that are with him are the chosen few, the 144,000 who are faithful in Revelation 14 and marked in Revelation 7. The waters are the great multitude. A great multitude without number, according to prophecy, will be saved through the great tribulation.

A decision must be made on which side one will serve. Be on the side of the Lamb Jesus or the side of the Adversary. Adversary forces are going to start a fight. The Lamb’s forces will defeat them.

Revelation 17:16-18 “Ten Horns Hate the Woman”

“And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree. The ten horns will give their kingdoms to the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”

The ten horns or oligarchs of the seven headed beast used to describe the kings of the earth will hate the religious whore of Rome and destroy her. They will strip her bare of her wealth and consume her strength.

The Mother Church will become like the ten horns in mindset. This will come to pass to fulfill the purposes of God. The ten horns will agree with and side with the beast over the Church. The Church of Rome is the symbolic woman now in control of everything at the moment; however, the beast will take final control in the end days.

We the People or They the Government

Everyone in small conversation talks about the government as if it is some faceless entity. We say things like “they” will do whatever they want. Or we just talk about “the government” as if it has no identity. No one is responsible or accountable if they work for the government. A separation exists between “we” the people and “they” the government.

United States Constitution – We the People

Citizens are responsible for their actions, but when someone works for the government, they are immune. Even from criminal acts. When this nation began, government gained its power by consent of the people. As we head into the great tribulation, the government will have supreme authority.

The government hides and conceals its operations. The CIA or Central Intelligence Agency is notorious for this. This is the guy behind the guy behind the guy. They leave no footprint. These people are ghosts. There is no one to attach blame to. They are professionals in setting up black ops that no one can explain or question.

The ten horns or oligarchs of the seven headed beast will have the same concealment in their operations. They will be immune from prosecution because they will be nonidentifiable faceless operatives. Most of these people have a true identity but also have a cover identity of a fictitious person. If crime is discovered, it’s because those who planned evil expected it to be discovered.

Politics is a Sucker’s Game

A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.

John Adams in a letter to Abigail Adams, 17 July 1775

There is no such thing as transparency in government. There once used to be, but no more. Rights are only a word without meaning or substance. The government has all the rights in Lucifer’s beast system. Politics is a sucker’s game! Politics is the game of a seven headed beast with ten horns. This is why we’re warned to come out of Babylon!

Twenty-seven grievances made by fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence. How many grievances can you think of today? There are more than twenty-seven. America as we once knew it is history.

We must understand liberty can only come from its source of our Creator. Spiritual laws pertain to life. God who gave us liberty, we have rejected. Therefore, the gift of liberty is rescinded. Under the rulership of the Adversary there will be no such thing as rights. We made our collective choice.

The description of the ten kings or oligarchs may sound kind of radical. Don’t say this cannot happen to America. It can and we are well on our way to fulfilling prophecy. It doesn’t matter who wins the election in 2024. God’s Word will come to pass.

Mystery Babylon

We have heard it before that America is Babylon. Is the United States mystery Babylon? If we as a nation ever were a Christian nation, that is only part of the deception. The transgender movement believes they were born in the wrong body or are the wrong biological gender in the wrong body. Abstract thought has trumped concrete facts.

Mystery Babylon the Great

America is slowly becoming a beast power – if it hasn’t already happened since the 1960s. What evidence can support such an allegation? Where has all the wealth gone? Just compare Washington DC with your local small town community. The one that has lost all its family business and is slowly dying.

We are not a United States. It was intended by our founding fathers to be united but united as free states since 1776. Sovereign autonomous independent states that had a pact in the form of a constitution between us. Did we lose our independent sovereignty? Was our autonomy taken from us? We either surrendered it, or it was stolen from us. Why? Because we denied the God that gave us our liberty.

We will never get it back.

Even though the Adversary will make his initial appearance as sweet Jesus of contemporary Christianity, the social club religion of peace, love and tolerance, in the end he will be extremely brutal. The world must remember that it refused to live by the lifesaving rules of God.

Our rejection is what causes the seven headed beast with ten horns to appear at the end of the age. This is God’s instrument of judgment on a sinful world. However, the greater judgment will fall on the beast.

Washing our Robes

But all this suffering, death and carnage has a purpose. That purpose is in Revelation 7. The first part is about selection and election of 144,000 kings and priests, those who will earn a crown. And the last part is about a great multitude without number who wash white their robes in preparation for the soon coming Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Our leader Yeshua – Jesus set the example and led the way from his arrest to commending his spirit to the Father to his resurrection to the ascension. The body of Christ called the church will follow a similar path as its leader. It will be purified and purged from sin through great tribulation. The great tribulation will induce the spiritual rebirth of a Kingdom made up of first fruits – and why a first fruits resurrection.

The goal of believers is to get ready for the great tribulation in preparation for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. The great tribulation is the preparation period. The seven headed beast with ten horns will administer the test, the great tribulation.

Ten commandments in Hebrew

It makes about as much sense as Jesus giving his life for the ransom of many. Many will become white as in a pure conscience through this period of testing. That makes no sense either.

Dying to self does not bring much pleasure to the flesh. But this is the way God has chosen to make the finishing touches on his coming Kingdom. It is so that no man can boast. All a person has to do is trust Jesus and love not their lives unto death. Have no fear. Jesus is the resurrection and the life.

The full duty of man is to fear God and keep the commandments.

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