The 2020 Pandemic

It’s not by mere chance how things are named. Persons, places and things in the physical realm appear from the unseen spiritual world. Nothing just happens. Everything Lucifer is allowed to do is by the permissive will of God. Why? Because our Creator has supreme authority and is in total control of the entire universe. The Adversary has no power except what is granted to him. He allows the Adversary to test humans by the choices they make. Such is spiritualizing the 2020 pandemic. We are given choices!

Spiritual Meaning of COVID-19

Corona, a word meaning crown, usually a colored circle seen around a luminous body (such as the sun or moon). It is caused by a diffraction of light produced by suspended droplets of water or particles of dust. The tenuous outermost part of the atmosphere of a star (the sun). A circle of light made by the apparent convergence of the streamers of the aurora borealis. The upper portion of the bodily part such as a tooth or the skull.

virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism. When infected, a host cell is forced to rapidly produce thousands of copies of the original virus. 

Number 19 is an extraordinary number in the Bible. The number of 19 symbolizes God’s order in Judgement. In ancient times, it was known as the ‘Number of Surrender’ and appears only three times in the Bible. The Hebrew civil calendar is in a tracking time method of the 19-year time cycle. Including Jeroboam, Israel was ruled by 19 kings before God allowed them to be conquered by the Assyrians. They were conquered and taken out of the land as captives due to their many sins against God.

Understanding spiritual matters showing up in the physical is no easy task. How would you interpret the information just read? Is Covid-19 happening a warning that something bigger is about to happen?

The Great Hoax of 2020

Since the beginning of the pandemic, I said it was a hoax – the great hoax of 2020. My mind hasn’t changed. House Resolution 748, known as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or CARES Act, was introduced January 24, 2019, by Rep. Joe Courtney (D-CT). The bill passed and was signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 23, 2020. It is also funny how the law was passed before the general public even became aware of the virus.

Was Covid-19 planned? by someone? Saying the 2020 pandemic was planned not a far-fetched notion.

Following March 23, 2020, all the shutdowns, six-foot social distancing rule, quarantine at home, were measures planned for over a year before the CARES Act became a law. Yes, there was a virus. Yes, people died from it. But there was nothing but misleading information surrounding it. The “pandemic” was more of a global enrichment scheme and abuse of authority of a few than it was about health. Just follow the money. Billions of dollars approved by Congress was spent for healthcare! Did the pandemic fit into a depopulation scheme?

World Health Organization

The World Health Organization (WHO) knew the harm this ‘test’ virus was going to cause to the world. The WHO made a practice run to see how much force would need to be made to gain total compliance. The test was a victory for a small group of people WHO planned the virus.

Imagine the world’s politicians with their various agendas being obedient to an invisible kingdom and manipulated by an unseen ruler. This unseen kingdom controls the entire planet using politics and religion. This battle between good and evil continues 24/7 while two spiritual enemies compete for human souls. Time, space and matter are not important to spiritual beings, but limitations are imposed on the world’s physical subjects. Why is this battle being fought? What is its purpose? It would be interesting to read your comment!

What are the spiritual implications of COVID-19, short for Coronavirus Disease 2019? Is the invisible kingdom of the Adversary and invisible virus connected? YES! If we are spiritualizing the 2020 pandemic, then what else can we spiritualize?

The Catalyst for Election Fraud

“Senator Rand Paul, libertarian Republican legislator for Kentucky, revealed how he has been targeted by far-left extremists over his criticism of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Paul explained that he’d even received death threats after he accused Fauci of lying under oath about alleged National Institute of Health funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Senator Paul said it became impossible to ask honest and difficult questions, and that if people were able to ask these questions from the start, then we would have known much sooner – he says – that Dr. Fauci wasn’t being completely honest.” (11 June 2021,

Children and teachers were required to wear masks during the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020

Everything that happened with the 2020 pandemic and election is questionable. From the reports of how it began to the remedy offered by the WHO has been inconsistent. Truth was missing as records were hid on purpose. Dr. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx made their appearance on the world stage. Dr. Fauci finally admitted in his usual cyclical fashion (the runaround) that he made up the six-foot social distancing rule and had no idea where the idea even came from.

Departing From Common Sense

Unlike pandemics in the past, with the 2020 pandemic healthy people were quarantined and infected people were placed in nursing homes causing numerous deaths among the infirm elderly. The economy slowed and many small businesses closed. No one wanted to work the following year because government stimulus checks were found to pay more to do nothing. The disruption caused shortages of manufactured goods because of a lack of production workers.

Vaccinations were pushed by the WHO in 2020

And, while Americans were ordered by threat of prosecution for not wearing a mask or being vaccinated, immigrants crossing the border illegally from nations around the world, were not required to wear a mask or be vaccinated. Most of these unvaccinated illegals were fighting age males. What can that possibly mean? Is an invasion of the United States happening right before our eyes?

The Assault Against Parents

COVID-19 in the 2020 pandemic was a dream come true for the world powers. God-fearing Christians willingly went along with the mandates and took the vaccine. Because of school shutdowns and children forced to homeschool, another scam was discovered – diversity, equity and inclusivity (DEI) programs by educators and faculty. DEI is not what it sounds to be.

Hidden in the education systems new program was transgenderism. Children were taught they were born in the wrong bodies and needed medical surgeries to fix them. For something that happens naturally at birth, why was it necessary for it to be encouraged by the federal Department of Education?

This threat was hidden from the parents of normal children. Parents were seen as a problem for the progress of education, while at the same time schools were protecting the rights of children to make these choices. Children choosing to have surgeries to change their sex were blocked by the government. The spiritualization of Covid was an assault against parents.

Are We Ready for Pandemic 2024?

The virus was nothing more than a trial balloon testing biblically ignorant Christians to take the mark of the beast during this 1,290-day period. Conditioning and controlling Christians in a future great tribulation will be a cinch!

The WHO bureau chief is pushing an aggressive agenda again this year, also an election year. A pandemic worked in 2020 so why not try it again in 2024?

There have been a few years to correct errors made during the first test, so this time the WHO will double down. Another oligarch concerning transportation is the Going Green movement to force everyone out of fossil fuels to electric vehicles. This of course lacks the infrastructure to sustain it and will ultimately affect the distribution and production of the world’s food supply. But this is how the Adversary works.

The Adversary is steadily setting his snare for the entire world. All three Abrahamic religions work together with both American political parties. Each aid Lucifer in building his end times kingdom.

In my opinion, Washington DC is the political capital of Babylon while Rome is the religious capital.

Political Babylon

Baphomet displayed at Iowa Capitol in December 2023

A display of Baphomet was set up this past December at the Iowa Capitol. It was argued satanism is a viable religion needing equal rights. Lucifer is taking over all governments in America and around the world.

This is the devil’s world, not our Father’s world as sung in a popular Christian church song. Local city governments are falling in line, including all state governments, the federal government, and all world governments comprising the United Nations.

The United States has come to this moment because it has accepted any and all religions under a false interpretation of the First Amendment – including satanism. Instead of a Bill of Rights to protect people following the Creator of life and his kingdom, governments are now shifting their loyalty and acceptance to the Adversary. The followers of Jesus will soon be blamed for destroying unity and forced out.

Christianity is the biggest religious representative of Babylon because of its acceptance of sin. There is constant debate and arguing under a misunderstanding of free speech. Freedom of expression, such as veneration of the devil, is accepted as a protected right. Christianity will go through the laundromat of the great tribulation to wash their robes white. It will be wash, soak, rinse and spin because of disobedience.


Imagine a world run by ten kings managed by an Adversary who controls everything like a prison warden of a penal colony. The oligarch hypothesis is only one such possibility. It may be much worse…

Oligarchs are small groups of people having a monopoly over various industries and occupational professions. Revelation describes ten kingdoms or ten kings that will give their power to the beast for one hour. These may not necessarily be geographical kingdoms but rather a conglomerate of human necessities controlled by the beast to snare the world. Adversary is available at

Human nature will compel compliance with the beast to worship his image, take his name and receive his number to survive – or suffer death from a lack of critical care.

The World Health Organization is an oligarch. Healthcare is a profession taken over by government and regulated for years. It is a necessary life sustaining profession that Lucifer would want to control in his strategy. Events in the past few years have proven this move beneficial in controlling the world. It is quite possible healthcare will top the oligarch totem pole with banking and education following.

After all, the essence of any economy is for buying and selling. The Adversary will have a lock on all trade.

Big Pharma

The Greek word pharmakeia appears in Galatians 5:20 and Revelation 18:23. Terms from the same root word appear in Revelation 9:21, Revelation 21:8, and Revelation 22:15 and typically translated into English as sorcery, witchcraft, or sorcerer. Ancient Greek uses of pharmakeia closely reflects the generic modern English word drugs; the same Greek root word produced English terms such as pharmacy and pharmacist.

Modern use of the word sorcery evokes images of supernatural power and spells; biblical use of pharmakeia doesn’t fit well with such ideas. Rather, the term suggests various forms of drug abuse and mind altering substances. Those might include drug use in pagan worship, as an addiction, or as poison used to manipulate and control the minds of others.

Overview of pharmaceutical dugs

At the core of healthcare and pharmakeia is the promotion of pharmaceutical drugs. The target market of drugs is children. It closely resembles ancient child sacrifice by creating and diagnosing mental conditions such as ADHD and transgenderism requiring hormone or puberty blockers. Many conditions are irreversible once treated with these drugs.

Recreational Drugs

The other side of the coin is recreational drugs, which creates a whole new role for law enforcement. The drug war has been a lucrative business for lawyers and the court system since President Reagan.

The entire market is run by a corrupt society locked in endless litigation and hooked on drugs. It’s a career for some and job security for others profiting in the misery and hopelessness of others. But that’s just the way the Adversary operates.

The Drug Czar

Dr. Anthony Fauci at committee hearing

Dr Fauci admitted in committee hearings at the U.S. Capitol that Covid-19 did not affect children at school as much as it did the elderly and that masks did not work but children were still subjected. This was a power grab of epic proportions that pitted the WHO and teachers against parents, challenging their rights of children; a debate still going on today at all levels of government. Fauci also even admitted it was known as early in 2020 that the isolation of children caused more emotional illnesses than the virus itself caused physical illness.

Ready or Not Here We Go!

Are you prepared for round two, a repeat of pandemic 2020? The world coliseum is filling up for Election 2024 and the spectators are taking their front row seats for the show of a lifetime! The Adversary is setting the stage for world domination and control. The curtain will be pulled back, and the king of Babylon will make his appearance. The world is saturated with religion and has heard the gospel. Yeshua-Jesus for the most part has been rejected. He is crucified once again, and Barabbas is released by popular demand.

How long will it be before the world mob cries for the death of Christian followers of Jesus Christ? And then the Adversary in Pontius Pilate like fashion will wash his hands and grant their demand to maintain law and order.

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