Master of Impossible Situations

In the Bible, Lucifer the adversary is prophesied to make his appearance first. Jesus steps in to save the world. The devil will place himself in the spiritual temple of the congregation to show he is God. This false leader of our spiritual conscience is here already. He demands that we accept him and his political-religious kingdom and all its catechisms, dogmas and traditions. He is the master of impossible situations.

The devil will not take over our minds in outright rebellion. He appears as the real Jesus in his place. He is instead of and against Jesus, or anti-Christ. Satan wearing a false Christian disguise. He will be seeking to destroy those who receive him. After preparing our conscience minds to receive him, he will appear in person to close the deal. There is nothing we can humanly do to alter prophecy. He is the master of impossible situations.

Warning signs of impending danger

The Adversary is a generational work.

His design is to wear down the will of men. He takes what is unacceptable in one generation to be more acceptable by the next. He plants his seeds of destruction in the minds of criminals and tyrants hungry for power and wealth. The devil makes imperceptible and incremental changes. He does not want to draw any attention or cause immediate alarm or concern. The Adversary is an expert manipulator and gas lighter. He is an expert tactician and strategist.

He’s the master of leading into impossible situations and creator of ultimatums!

Angels and Demons

Angels are the sons of God that remained loyal to the Creator. Demons are those that followed Lucifer into rebellion against the Creator. For more information and understanding, watch Demons: documentary film with Dr. Michael S. Heiser. Watch here.

Fear and Intimidation

The use of fear and intimidation is the Adversary’s main means of accomplishing his agenda. We soon learn when dealing with Lucifer we will be dealing with a nefarious character of sinister schemes. Everything he touches dies. Not everyone is aware of the death spiral the world is plunging into.

Lucifer uses intrigue and subterfuge to enact an agenda shrouded in mystery and secrecy. The devil hides in plain sight to accomplish his mission. He will be open and brazen as expected to be during the prophesied final 1,290 days of his reign.

The Adversary does not work alone. He is the commanding leader of a vast angelic force consisting of a number only known as one-third of a heavenly host. The actual strength is unknown.

His high command is at least three knowns: Ba’al, Ishtar and Molech. Shadow Man is a high-ranking demon seen by many. The Adversary has many millions of lower ranking demons organized in regional groups used to torment the entire planet’s inhabitants.

Master of Child Sacrifice and War

Lucifer is the source of all war and child sacrifice. They influence and disrupt all of society.

Worship of Molech during child sacrifice ritual

The spirits of fallen angels need a living host to operate. Once a host dies, the spirit of darkness moves on to a new supply. He moves generation after generation. Demons don’t always appear in physical form but sometimes they make themselves known. However, their behavior is very noticeable.

What many regard as a person just having a bad day is more than likely someone influenced by a demon. He agitates and offends the person observing and sets them off. The Adversary sparks dissension and strife wherever he can.  Lucifer is the master of impossible situations.

Demon Oppression

Demon oppression and demon possession are two different things. The source is the same, but possession is one who is totally and knowingly sold out to the devil. Demonic oppression is when a demon influences thoughts and actions to get a person to sin and turn away from God. This person is despondent and pressured into giving up. Confrontation is Shadow Man working for Ba’al. But the targeted oppressed person has no idea what or who it is taking over their thoughts.

Demons target elected and appointed officials. These are high value people Lucifer can influence and work through to enslave a nation or community. Lucifer uses officials working in government and corporate levels in his kingdom of Babylon. Evident behavior will be that of a Kundalini spirit to a spirit of fear.

Demonic activity such as oppression and possession lead to mental illness. Human minds are the target of evil spirits. They manifest in behavior and character. Lucifer is the master of impossible situations.

The Bible reports the fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. A Luciferian spirit is the antithesis such as hatred, anxiety and anger flashes, impatience, brutishness, ulterior motives and dark schemes, self-centeredness, and a lack of abstinence and impurity – all of which lead to mental and emotional instability, and eventually, to physical death – sometimes to another person.

Deceitfulness of Human Nature

Imagine if you will the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. She looks perfect. This woman is the right height, right weight, an hourglass figure that is perfectly balanced, perfect teeth and hair. She is a dream come true and a sight to behold. She’s the kind of woman every man would be jealous of not having. She is externally beautiful.

But once a relationship begins to grow, it becomes more evident who she really is. You start seeing the inner person come out of that deceitfully beautiful shell only to discover the personality of a witch. She’s manipulative, vindictive and controlling; she uses her beauty as a tool to get what she wants and is toxic in character.

The man finding her has just walked into a trap that looked innocently fine and beautiful only to find himself in domestic hell. He finds his beautiful woman is not someone of virtue possessing attributes of a future helpmate. She’s his prison warden. This was not expected.

Romantic couple wining and dining on the Carribean

For a women looking for Mr. Right, use a man in the above analogy in reverse. The pendulum of life swings both ways and cuts the heart just as deep regardless of gender.

The Adversary created the concept of gender identity. It is his idea of making up seventy-two extra gender identities more than male and female. Gender identity is Lucifer’s personal stroke of genius. He is the master of impossible situations.

Angel of Light

This is the way the devil presents himself from the spiritual realm.

An angel of light is alluring to the mind and a beauty to behold. He offers wealth, perfect relationships, possessions and property, and endless pleasure – everything of which one could possibly dream!

He’s a manifestation of a humanist god, the genie in a bottle where you have three wishes to your hearts content. The devil’s the epitome of temporal pleasure sold as a package of eternal bliss. Demon target is trapped. There’s no way out. No matter how much remorse it’s too late. The devil has a no return policy. He plays for keep. He wants your soul.

Leader of Rebellion

The leader of heaven’s rebellion and creator of sin has a vision for the world – one involving fear, rejection, corruption, hate, jealousy, competition, power, greed, and injustice. The goal of Satan is to disrupt completely the restoration process by using manipulation and deception, and lead as many away as he can from life physically and spiritually to destruction, and ultimately, to death.

Religion is allowed as long as knowing the truth is prevented. What truth? The truth he can be saved and have eternal life. In the devil’s quest for supremacy, the true owner of the universe often takes the blame for the destruction Satan causes. God is framed for Lucifer’s tricks and blamed for his evil schemes and diabolic inclinations. The Adversary is the master of impossible situations.

There are limitations in human understanding that concern both belligerents and where each lead. “For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth” (2 Corinthians 13:8); “For now we look through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as I am known” (1 Corinthians 13:12). The word darkly used by Paul is translated from Greek word ainigma. The primary sense and meaning are an obscure saying.

Enigma of Life

An enigma is a puzzling thing or person. A riddle or paradox. A conundrum is filled problem filled with mystery. It poses a problem to be solved. The glass is a mirror, and a mirror reflects an image of the one considering it. Man’s reflection of his visible outer identity is deceitful because it fails to represent the true inner nature.

The reflection of physical identity is limited to outer appearances, but internally it can’t see the inner character manipulated by unseen forces. This predicament never allows one to fully see or understand accurately the inner self. People fail at seeing themselves spiritually. Shrouded in spiritual darkness, they fail to see who they really are because of such thick deception.


In man’s limited ability to see as clearly as God, his mind deceives him into believing he can see wholly what he cannot. Even though incomplete, what’s seen from a human perspective is often acceptable. However, what is acceptable to man is offensive to God. This is especially true in man’s devotions to vain religion. He believes whatever form of worship devised and offered to God is acceptable.

This is the deceitfulness of sin working in human nature. It cannot be changed without spiritual rebirth by the Holy Spirit.

A distortion caused by a sinful nature that darkly obscures the truth. That is an enigma. Each gender predictably contributing to the rebellion as they turn away from God’s natural order. Since Adam and Eve sinned, human nature became like Lucifer’s, and at that time, became the father of their character.

Politics and Religion

Many try to gain an understanding of their existence, first by looking at their physical and its needs. The spirit of man fails to realize that a spiritual realm exists. In the search for identity and to satisfy physical needs, people seek comfort and truth by two means: POLITICS and RELIGION. They invent a political god of religion to satisfy an obscure view of life, and then address issues concerning how life should work.

Master of Ultimatums

Remember when I suggested the Adversary is the master of leading into impossible situations and giving ultimatums?

Politics makes organized religion. Man wants a god to serve him and his needs. He uses politics to invent his gods’ approval. Government is a polytheistic beast.

Lucifer will arrange friendships, alliances and even marriages to set up his plans. Compared to humans, time is on his side. Taking twenty or thirty years to solidify a plan is nothing. He takes however long it takes to dig the pit he is leading to produce his desired outcome. Lucifer has operatives working in every field. He has eyes and ears everywhere watching and listening. In this game of brinksmanship, he is always three or four moves ahead in every situation.

Signposts along the road of life

Life is about choices. But the choices Lucifer offers are all bad choices. There will be a price to pay.

The devil cooks up unbelievable situations between friends, marriages, relationships between bosses and employees, the government and citizens, even in extramarital affairs. Lucifer forces people to choose between two bad choices. One choice gets favor and the other neglected only to distract their full attention to the other bad choice.

The devil doesn’t care who’s wronged, wounded or killed. He is the thief who comes not but to kill steal and destroy. That’s his nature.

In the last days of his reign or terror, the scenarios of death and destruction will intensify and multiply like birth pains. The Adversary will do his worst without remorse or mercy. This new world order will be short-lived under Lucifer’s control. Everyone alive will be subjected. The objective is to unalive everyone created in the image of God to bring about Lucifer’s agenda of death.

Shadow Man Demon

Image of Shadow Man Demon

Have you had a visitation by the shadow man?

TOP HAT DEMON:  a powerful captain of Ba’al serving as a point man to take possession of a specific person or target class; also known as the shadow man demon.

Possession in its final form is possessed in being owned or controlled. His main duty is to round up those who refuse to submit. This demon robs people of rest and sleep with nightmares; and he only comes out at night. He stands in the doorway, either waiting to be invited in or not permitting a target host to exit.

Are you ready to experience Lucifer’s prophesied kingdom?