Warning Signs

Many Americans pin their hopes on who will be elected for president this November. Media pundits from both political parties have said this is a battle for the soul of America. The political world is a constant sea change of movement involving activities associated with the governance of the country. It is especially about the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. Politics appears innocent and noble on the outside, but inside has many hidden agendas. It’s a dark pit consisting of shadows, confusion and many secrets. A spirit of frustration drives politics. It’s just the nature of the beast. This is why we are given warning signs of a reprobate mind offensive to God.

Politics is Not What it Appears

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”

Romans 13:1, KJV
Samuel L. Clemens known by his pen name Mark Twain 1835-1910

I was a political activist for over thirty years; running for the US House twice in 1996 and 2020, state senate in 1998, and county sheriff in 2004. In the beginning back around 1978, when I was young and ignorant, I innocently thought everyone had pure motives and good intentions in politics. That ignorance lasted until about 1992 when my eyes started opening to the truth. By 2000 I was convinced government at all levels was corrupt. Since 2020 I no longer have any doubts whatsoever. Sadly, it’s worse than you can even imagine.

The Party of Lincoln (GOP) was for a long time the party of Ronald Reagan before it became the party of Donald Trump. The Democrat Party was the party of JFK until it slipped into the party of Bill Clinton. Today it’s the party of Barack Hussein Obama. It has left the little guy and became the party of Woke DEI, which to me is a hybrid of Marxism and satanism. The hallmarks of the GOP are compromise and appeasement. The GOP is great at fundraising and governing but lack the intestinal fortitude to enact righteous laws. The GOP can talk the talk about the right thing but lack a spine to put that talk into actions against evil.

Neither party belongs to Yeshua but are merely tools to accomplish his will and end-times purpose.

Political Warning Signs

Everyone entering politics is disillusioned to some degree into believing they can make a difference. That’s why a person runs for office. But hardly anyone is aware of the sinister spiritual forces holding the political arena captive. There is an unseen force influencing every move and manipulating every decision being made. This is the spiritual reality of politics. The warning signs are everywhere. Not everything appears as it is in politics. This is the spiritual battleground warring for the hearts and minds of men.

American political party mascots

If you have ever thought politics was all about equal justice, fairness, equality or righting wrongs, think again. That’s only wishful thinking. Politics is wrapped in multiple layers of deception and backstabbing. A lot of backstabbing. All is fair in this love-hate relationship being played out between the Adversary and Creator. Treachery and treason are such a refined practice that it seems normal.

How can Republican and Democrat politicians have a $175,000 annual salary, run a “non-profit” charity or foundation for 40 years, sell one autobiography, and have a net worth of one hundred million dollars?

For more details, check out We Have a Problem, here. http://thebp.net/400902 

Governing Authorities

Human nature fallen from grace is why government exists in the first place. Why? To punish crime and manage evil. That’s the purpose of government. Who permits governing authority to exist? Our Creator. Largely because man rejects self-governing by imposing God’s laws upon himself.

Because of our nation’s disobedience, we are given rulers to impose laws and regulations to keep human depravity and disobedience in check. If we refuse to be ruled by God, then we will be ruled by tyrants and despotic individuals of poor character and judgment.

“This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones, with the intent that the living may know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.”

Daniel 4:17, KJV

If the people of the United States would bind government to the Constitution and impose God’s laws upon their hearts, it would form a more perfect union. This would require elected officials to actually keep their oath sworn to uphold the Constitution – AND TO GOD.

But because we reject God’s laws and have become derelict with our oath, criminally minded tyrants and despots rule over us. They pay no regard to their oath or to God; there is no fear of God. Judgment is coming as a result. How can we ignore the five warning signs?

Five Warning Signs of a Reprobate Mind

“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.”

Romans 1:28, KJV

A reprobate mind is a person whose mind is unacceptable and destined to damnation, a person who continually thinks evil. This is the lowest of the low. A reprobate mind does nor retain any knowledge of God nor has the ability to try.

Picture of Noah’s Ark with rainbow

The characteristic of a reprobate mind is not only a warning sign in itself, but it also includes those that approve of this type of individual’s lifestyle and behavior.

This is notably remarkable in the modern LGBTQ+ movement. Those that approve of gay lifestyles are offending Christian ministers and denominations. They align and show solidarity with a Woke culture. They condone and appease sin instead of speaking repentance as the voice of God.

Apostle Paul taught about life in the Spirit as opposed to a carnal mind in Romans 8:1-17. A carnal mind cannot please God. It is spiritually dead.

The world once again is about where it was as in the days of Noah; the thoughts of man were only continually evil. That condition, a reprobate mind, invoked the judgment of God and brought about a great flood. Our next judgment will be by fire according to apostle Peter.

Five warning signs become grossly evident in the reprobate condition of our current Woke culture of immoral deviancy.   

WARNING SIGN No.1 Suppressing Truth with Wickedness

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.”

Romans 1:18, KJV

This person has knowledge of the truth but rejects it by their own wicked actions. They operate as a shock absorber suppressing the truth of salvation from reaching a captive mind to the sin of the gay agenda.

The most prominent violators are Christian ministers that refuse to preach truth against a reprobate mind and godless politicians making laws supporting “gay rights” that do not exist. The harshest judgment will come against those that know the truth and who violate their oath.

The second most prominent violator is the American mainstream media providing cover by lying, which is total abuse of the First Amendment.

Truth is the power of God. The real Jesus said he is the way, the TRUTH, and the life. Christianity presents a false Jesus using deception to perpetuate a lie. Human reasoning is Jesus loves the gay sinner; therefore, he will not punish the homosexual lifestyle.

The Jesus personage expressed by Christianity masquerades as the biblical Jesus but is a counterfeit. The person presented is ruse, a diversionary tactic to keep attention focused on something else other than the truth. The Christian model of Jesus is all about love and tolerance without repentance and thinking differently.

The devil posing as Messiah uses personal distractions from turmoil to entertainment to conundrums. His schemes are so perplexing that a person has no time to think about anything else. The Adversary, in all deceivableness, has let humanity believe they will make it to heaven without being born again in the Spirit.

He operates at seven levels of human existence: individually, family, community, county, state, nationally to globally. The Adversary has designed a scheme to pull everyone in every conceivable direction at once. He is a master manipulator. https://theadversary.blog/the-master-of-impossible-situations/

The Train has Left the Station

America is a nation in rapid decline. We have lost our moral compass. We have lost our soul; or at least had willingly given it away. America is a nation whose god is the Adversary. What is the proof? What are the warning signs?

An empty old Victorian-style 19th century train station

Look at what we celebrate. We celebrate pride in not knowing who we are. We believe that we are born in the wrong bodies with seventy-two genders. That’s seventy more than the two genders of male and female that God created – and called them good.

Our government indoctrinates children and calls it education. We murder unborn children by the thousands under the guise of choice. We have destroyed our American posterity.

Look at the traditions practiced in the American church. We celebrate pagan deities and say we are doing it for God against his instructions.

Are we not the world’s largest military industrial complex that causes and supports war around the world? Who’s known as the world’s policeman?

Look at the national debt. The biggest spenders in America are healthcare because we are a sick nation, sick from the top of our head to the soles of our feet. Just look at the cognitive decline and mental acuity of our president – and the supposed mindset of the 81 million who elected him.

The train has left the station, and no one can stop it.

Lucifer is America’s God

There should be no doubt Lucifer is America’s god and that he is the popular Jesus of Christianity. How can we know? We are deceived into believing what is an abomination to God is acceptable worship. There is no difference between pagan practices and Christianity. We are an apostate nation.

America is a nation given over to the Adversary for destruction. We are way past winning elections and solving problems. Election 2024 will not save us unless one of the candidate’s is willing to lead us back to the truth of God. Of course that will never happen. We fear LGBTQ more than God.

Home page of The Adversary’s Countdown can be found here. https://theadversary.blog/

WARNING SIGN No.2 Willfully Rejecting God

“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.”

Romans 1:21, KJV

The person with a reprobate mind is aware of God’s existence; they just choose to operate as if he doesn’t exist.

Willfully ignorant means to be foolish on purpose. But after a long period of intentional ignorance by practice or lifestyle choices, the mind is given over to being reprobate. The mind can no longer think straight but becomes distorted. Cognitive decline occurs and mental acuity diminish. A mind goes stark raving mad.

Transgenderism is a case in point. Those taking this road reject God because what they choose to do is not God’s will in a healthy life. This choice moves an individual away from God, not towards him.

The transgender class expects everyone to accept their choice. Reprobate thinking has even been forced upon the country and added as a protected civil right. The problem is how we are born is an immutable characteristic. Thinking we are biologically born one gender but believing we are another is abstract thinking. We can change our minds but cannot change immutable characteristics determined by our Creator.

Immutable characteristics should rightfully be protected but choices made by abstract thought society must be protected from. Unhealthy choices made by agency of some such as transgenderism are a threat to the human species.

Immutable characteristics are our parents. We did not get to choose our parents. We did not get to choose where we were born, our race, our gender, or our siblings and birth order. To reject what is determined by God from the womb is rejecting God’s sovereign authority. But civil rights laws around the country now force people to accept what was once unacceptable.

American Secret Societies

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, KJV

Is there anything such as a secret kept from God? The world is full of unknown secrets. How does a secret society work? Why is a secret society necessary?

Secret societies in America consist of Freemasonry, Eastern Stars, Illuminati, Tri-lateral Commission, Skull and Bones, of which many prominent elected leaders throughout history were members.

Trying to keep secrets from God is futile, but the attempt, however foolish, invokes warning signs.

One place where guilt and shame meet to clear one’s conscience is in the Catholic confessional. This is a place where someone filled with guilt confesses their crimes and sin to a priest.

Secret society and Freemasonry

How this works is Lucifer tempts a man into committing a crime of passion, some type of sin. It always sounds good in the beginning. Everything will work out, they say.

Then, all of a sudden, things go haywire. Human factors are involved like vanity, pride, and ego. Things spin out of control. The best laid plans suddenly go wrong, which lead to murder.

Now a man is on the run.

A Conscience Filled with Guilt

Where does a man on the run from the law go? Religion. Who does he turn to? God. But how does he find God? He starts with what he believes to be true, which is a priest or a minister. He believes these “men of the cloth” are God’s people. A man on the run who finds religion finds a place of refuge. If only it worked that way!

What is believed may not always be true. This is the power of deception despite all the warning signs. An ounce of prevention is a pound of cure as the old saying goes. There are and will be consequences.

As the consciously guilty man turns to God, he enters a confessional to be absolved of sin and bring peace to his criminal mind. A Catholic priest is sworn to secrecy. He is believed to be a forgiver of sins. He is the temporal relief and solution a fleeing man seeks.

However, once a secret is known to a priest a secret known is no longer secret. Depending on the value of the secret depends on where it goes from there. A helping hand will want something in return. There will be a price. Let the blackmail begin. Let’s discuss the return favor.

WARNING SIGN No.3 Offering Redirected Worship

“Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever.”

Romans 1:25, KJV

This person has switched their object of affection. In their foolishness, they choose to worship the things they see which are created, instead of the one who made them, who is the Creator.

The Catholic Church is well-connected. Christianity and its tentacles wrap around the world. There is no such thing as a secret. Somebody knows something. Someone always knows. And if it is espionage or some other high profile government operation, it’s never safe because chances are, half of all the operatives involved are Catholic. And someone is the designated hitman to take care of loose ends should the plan goes sideways. There are always contingencies in place in case.

The plan will stay on track despite all the warning signs – or whoever’s life is required in secret.

Government is the above ground operations available for everyone to see. This is the part that looks noble with good intentions. But the underground clandestine element is religion, the part that is hidden from the public eye. This is the secret nature of the beast.

The government has a plan running on the surface, but behind the scenes work unseen forces manipulating the environment. These are the ones that prep the plan going in and who run the exit strategy coming out. The outcome has already been predetermined. Nothing just happens. Everything is scripted and planned.

WARNING SIGN No.4 No Limits on Sinful Behavior

“Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful.”

Romans 1:29-31, KJV

The person who possesses a reprobate mind has removed the restrictions from their sinful boundaries. Nothing now is off limits. Everything is permissible and if you disagree, that is a civil rights violation. Warning signs exude from unrestrained sin! This is especially true in schools and colleges.

Have we crossed the point of no return?  It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when that would’ve happened. It wasn’t so much sudden death of America but death by a thousand cuts. It’s a combined effort of sin that seems to have no limit. Our greatest national sin is what we are the proudest of and what we value: abortion and same-sex marriage. Adultery and murder in the face of God

Was the point of no return on June 26, 2015, when SCOTUS ruled in favor of same-sex marriage? Even though Roe v. Wade was struck down and remanded back to the states in 2023, many state legislatures are fighting to keep some form of infanticide.

When a nation reaches this level of moral depravity judgment cannot be too far away. The warning signs are everywhere.

Ancient gods of Babylon

Many are perplexed by this sudden paradigm shift in cultural norms. What was unacceptable a few decades ago is shamefully accepted today. If you do not accept transgenderism and gender identity agenda, then you are considered a homophobe. To not affirm someone transitioning or recognize their self-identified preferred pronoun, then you are a hater. If you hang on to archaic teachings from the Bible such as God made them male and female, then you are considered out of touch with reality – you are the enemy and deny progress!

This new culture has blurred the line between male and female and desecrated the marriage institution – an institution that belongs to YHVH! The baby killing industry of abortion, designed to conceal sexual immorality, is running rampant. Our so-called education system is systematically destroying the minds of surviving innocent children with indoctrination such as critical racist theory and transgenderism.

The concept of husband-wife-children, a family structure consisting of a mom and dad and their children, is being destroyed by this nefarious WOKE culture. This is all the insidious work of Satan the dragon because he knows he has but a short time.

This is really nothing more than a resurgence of the ancient Babylonian gods Ba’al, Molech and Ishtar (Inanna). The unclean spirits with Lucifer are openly defiant and filled with pride in their rebellion against Yeshua and his righteousness. They will kill and destroy; filled with the rage of the Destroyer and his evil mindset.

We are embarking into perilous times as two diametrically opposed spiritual belligerents clash over supremacy for the hearts and minds of the planet’s inhabitants. Who will you choose to occupy your heart? Warning signs to make a choice are everywhere.

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn speaks about his book Return of the gods here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpeNKh770EI

Warning Signs Over Rainbow America

Hussein Obama, a fake Christian and closet Muslim, was virtually unknown prior to the Democratic National Convention in 2004. He is a Harvard law school graduate that worked as a civil rights attorney specializing in civil rights litigation altering state constitutions and civil rights codes to accommodate gender identity and sexual orientation as protected civil rights.

White House on June 26, 2015

He entered politics in a district on the south side of Chicago when he ran for an Illinois senate seat and held it until winning a U.S. Senate seat in 2004. Why is this important? Because Obama has nothing but mystery surrounding him – a clear sign of a Luciferian. Donald Trump spent millions to reveal the true identity of Barack Hussein Obama, whose real birth name was found to be Barry Soetoro.

Obama (Soetoro of Kenya) was the first gay president after marrying Michael (Michelle) Robinson in 1992 and lit up the White House with rainbow-colored lights after a SCOTUS ruling in favor of same-sex marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges on June 26, 2015. Warning signs!

He attended a church where Rev. Jeremiah Wright spewed hate against America. Obama faked his Christian faith but used the presidency to implement many tenets of Islamic law in American politics such as Obamacare – which was nothing more than a tax or jizya on non-Muslims (dhimmis). Remember him saying he’s been to all 57 states? Oops! That was a Freudian slip for all 57 Islamic states! The evidence against this snake is overwhelming! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85gnjf3YBaQ

WARNING SIGN No.5 Demonstrates No Desire for Change

“Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”

Romans 1:32, KJV

This person will not only hold on and continue in their wicked behavior, but they will also encourage others to follow suit. In fact, they will applaud those who follow after them in their degradation.

In the dark world, many promises are made. Because of a spirit of secrecy surrounding these relationships, deals are made by making promises that are never intended to be kept. This is the way it works from love affairs to politics to every scandal under the sun. Man has no desire to change.

It’s been said that Jesus is many different things to many different people. No statement could be further from the truth! Who is Jesus and what did he do? What was his message?

The Counterfeit Jesus

Ten Commandments written in stone

There are two persons of biblical fame believed to be Jesus. One is the genuine and the other is a fake counterfeit imitation. The latter is Lucifer himself masquerading as the genuine. He is the lawless-one or one who is without law. Many in the world believe in Jesus but don’t believe what he said. What did he say? What was his message?

Many Americans say they know Jesus, but you would never know it. The condition of the United States of American is not a testament to support the teachings of Jesus. This country resembles the character of Lucifer. There are real Christians, but the majority of the religion are nominal at best.

The counterfeit Jesus is a popular person. He has many community centers called churches. These social clubs, standing in every community, are more interested in social precepts and entertainment than theological learning. They are marked by whose law they keep.

They either obey God’s Law or the edict of the emperor Constantine. God’s Law is to keep the Sabbath day holy. Constantine was a sun god worshipper and changed the day of worship to Sunday. The counterfeit Jesus accepts this. The genuine Jesus said he did not come to change the Law in his first sermon on the Temple Mount (cf. Matthew 5:17).

The paradoxical question before us is whose law will we obey? The emperor Constantine of the fourth beast in Daniel 7:7 or Jesus Christ, Lord of the Sabbath?

“Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?”

Romans 6:16, KJV

Kingdom of God

What is the Kingdom of God? This is hardly ever talked about in the religion of Christianity anymore. The message Jesus brought with him from heaven was the gospel of the kingdom. The kingdom Jesus is building already exists, and began on that first Pentecost after his resurrection, but how to find eternal life in the kingdom is the gospel or good news.

Jesus taught repentance or turning from sin to enter his kingdom. Sin is the transgression of God’s Law according to 1 John 3:4. If we confess him Lord and make him our ruling King and agree to live by his Law, that allows access. Turning from sin is the only way to lift the warning signs. The pride of life and churchianity are sins that will have to be nailed to the cross. And Election 2024 will not save your soul.