Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The four horsemen found in the Bible’s Revelation is about the coming apocalypse. Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy, so only he can reveal the interpretation and meaning of this book. Many from all three Abrahamic religions have tried. Some interpretations are plausible. Some are totally ridiculous. The four horsemen of the apocalypse are allegorical in nature.

Revelation is a New Testament writing given to apostle John by Jesus Christ while exiled on the island of Patmos. The other two Abrahamic religions attempt to disparage the book however they can. They believe he existed but reject the resurrected Messiah.

Orthodox Jews are still waiting for their Messiah and Muslims are waiting for their twelfth Imam. This contest for ownership of the world compels them to denounce Jesus. Jesus is an insult to religious clergy and their religious systems. Telling of the four horsemen of the apocalypse is Jesus exposing the Adversary.

All four horsemen reveal Satan in the apocalypse. They involve specific works he will do in the last days. Apostle Peter said that a day is as a thousand years to God. Since the resurrection two days have passed. The world is currently in the age of grace, the third day. Therefore, the world is in the last day of the age of grace.

The Duality of Prophecy

Who are the Four Horsemen prophesied in a future apocalypse? Do they represent a series of long-term prophetic events initiated at the time of the Great Tribulation? Maybe the four horsemen of the apocalypse have been released since the first century. All prophecy is dual in nature. The are long term applications as well as short term.

We will examine both short and long term possibilities in this blog.

The Palestinian people appear to be rejected by the world, but it is Israel that is rejected. The Kingdom of God rejected by the world. The Kingdom brought by Jesus is rejected. The laws of God are rejected by the world. Even by most of the religion named after him.

Flag of Palestine

It is remarkable that the flag of Palestine contains all four colors the same as the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The numerical order of the first four seals in Revelation is just as remarkable as the symbolic color of the horses. What does the design of the flag mean?

The Kingdom of God is introduced to the world. There is no two-state solution. Palestine ran by Hamas in Gaza have a goal of totally destroying Israel from existence.

There is no solution for God and Lucifer’s working together. From the river to the sea is the mantra of Lucifer who seeks the destruction of Israel.

Lucifer is symbolized by the Palestinian flag. God is symbolized by the Israeli flag. The nations are a clash between good and evil in the physical world. The real spiritual fight is between Babylon, king of the world, and the Kingdom of God, King of heaven.

The Kingdom and its leader offer terms of surrender to the citizens of Babylon. It appears the Kingdom of Israel is surrounded by the kingdom of Babylon. However, the kingdom of Babylon will be destroyed by the King of Israel.

The Palestinians will say the red symbolizes the blood on the swords of warriors. White symbolizes purity and noble deeds. Green represents fertile Arab lands, and black represents the defeat of enemies in battle.

However, the nature of Lucifer is always deceptive, an attempt to cover over something sinister with something more acceptable. I see a different meaning.

Interpreting a Flag

White is the first seal and center color making it the deceptive heart of Babylon. The king of Babylon appears white, virtuous and good. This is why the leader of a counterfeit religious system is first of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The white stripe resembles a serpent facing the mast.

Red is the second seal and what comes out of the mouth of the serpent and tied to the mast. The red triangulated part in the white field looks like a serpent’s head and mouth. Red is the spoken ideology of the serpent. It speaks a message of blood. The size of the red triangle coming out of its is about a fourth of the world spilling its blood to the serpent. The three points of the triangle could represent the three unclean spirits of Ba’al, Ishtar, and Molech.

Palestinian Flag

This ideology is the antithesis of God’s instructions. It is a twisted or alternate version presenting the vision of Lucifer. Lucifer’s always begins by questioning God, “Did God really say?”

Black is the third seal and the sky above the serpent. Lucifer’s rebellion defiles heaven. Lucifer is the prince of the power of the air, the accuser of the brethren. He is the dark clouds that have no rain. It is the spirit realm of fallen angels.

Green is the fourth seal and represents the ground or place of graves which is synonymous with death. Hell and the grave are the works of Lucifer. The grave is his reward.

Each color of the flag and the four horsemen of the apocalypse will be expanded as we proceed. The truth is God’s Word. It’s always a matter of interpretation, but only God can give the revelation and meaning of his Word. Feel free to comment!

White Horse is Counterfeit Religion and the first seal in Revelation 6:1-2. This seal includes Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Coptic Christianity, and Protestantism; any part of Christianity ignoring the Word of God.

The Pope dresses in white and rides a white bulletproof vehicle called the popemobile. Read more in The Power of Deception II at

Spirit of the Nicolaitans

What is the spirit of the Nicolaitans, something Jesus said he hates (cf. Revelation 2:6, 15). What exactly does this mean?

Nico is Greek for conquer or the conqueror. Laitan is Greek for laity or the people. Nicolaitan put together means the conqueror of the people.

Nicolaitan is a control hierarchy. It is to coerce and impose control over those who, for the most part, are sincere believers.

To remain voluntarily in this religious order could be a decision that may forfeit a place in the first resurrection. And lead directly to the second resurrection. Coming out of the Nicolaitans is akin to coming out of Babylon.

Intimidation and Fear

A common means to enslave in religious bondage is the use of intimidation and fear. Fear of excommunication from an organization is more than many can handle. Many depend on organization for strength and acceptance.

Many can’t handle isolation and loneliness. They need human contact and thrive on social entertainment. Human love only exists as long as you’re submissive to men lording over you. There is nothing unconditional in Nicolaitanism.

Departing to obey Jesus by faith is an action that produces resentment from those left. “Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot [debauchery], speaking evil of you” (1 Peter 4:4).

Shunning will soon occur with rejection closely following. Close associations once enjoyed will dwindle away and quickly fade to a nonexistent status. People once claiming to love you will no longer do business with you or check in on you. You’re no longer part of the click. You’re an outsider and vagabond in the eyes of the religious elite.

Nicolaitans who no longer have control of your life have no use for you. Those that can’t lord over you and no longer have influence over you have no interest in you. It’s just the way it is.

Sections or Denominations of Christianity

The next layer of deception is sectarianism or sections, denominations. Apostle Paul identifies this as something carnal. We conclude if Christ hates it and Paul taught against it, then the Holy Spirit has no part of it.

Modern Christianity has the appearance of a bi-polar religion. Everyone is going to hell if they don’t follow the right denomination and their version of Jesus.

Humanity is held in captivity by religious Babylon. Sectarian religion is the restraining force. People are called by Jesus to come out from Babylon in Revelation 18:4. This command is spiritual Israel’s second exodus.

Babylon is Lucifer’s domain. It is a city-like complex whose destiny is destruction. The only power Lucifer is given is to him by free will. It is from this religious system Jesus came to set free from.

Kenneth Copeland Conference 2014

Kenneth Copeland held a conference at Fort Worth, Texas, in January 2014. Protestant ministers and high-profile persons visited the Vatican. They were the Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby.

A delegation including Joel Osteen, Utah Republican U.S. Senator Mike Lee (Mormon), Gayle D. Beebe (president of Westmont College) and Pastor Tim Timmons (founder of South Coast Community Church).

Protestants, including Copeland, have all met and consorted with Pope Francis in Rome. There was an unprecedented informal meeting and lunch at Domus Sanctae Martae on June 23, 2014. See full story here.

The lunch was with televangelist James Robinson and his wife.

Also present was two top officers of the World Evangelical alliance, Global Ambassador Brian Stiller, and Secretary General Geoff Tunnicliffe.

John and Carol Arnott, co-presidents of Catch the Fire Ministries; Kenneth Copeland of the Dallas Word of Faith Movement.

And Rick Warren, author of bestseller book The Purpose Driven Life.

Holy Spirit vs. Doctrine

The Roman Catholic Church is making a concerted attempt to join again with Protestants. Pope Francis is conducting the effort.

Hundreds of Protestant ministers intently listened to Pope Francis speak in Italian using a taped message of “unity and love” with subtitles in English. The message was provided by Evangelical Episcopalian Bishop Anthony Palmer.

The message of unity dismisses the importance of doctrine; alleging that misunderstanding of doctrine is what caused the ‘petty’ differences between the Catholic Church and Protestants in Martin Luther’s day.

Palmer, a close friend to the Pope, was killed in a motorcycle accident. Read full story here.

Heavenly inspired doctrine recorded in the Holy Bible and taught by Christ has everything to do with a believer’s life. This move is downplayed by Pope Francis and by those in Protestant leadership lining up with him.

Simon Peter or Simon Magus

This is another attempt to replace Jesus Christ with a modern Vicar of Christ more acceptable by modern religion. However well intended and sincere this may be, the Holy Spirit is not in anything ordained by man.

Human religions do not represent Christ or the body he’s forming. Jesus has no part in the beast power or the whorish woman of religion riding it. The roots of Roman Catholicism can be traced back to Simon Magus, the sorcerer who went to Rome and became first Pope (Acts 8).

Often fisherman and disciple and apostle Simon Peter is believed to be the first Pope except for one major problem. Simon Peter never went to Rome!

Apostle Paul would be a better covert choice if anyone. Peter, even though he stayed in Judea, fit the narrative better because of Matthew 16:18. It was use of this verse as a pretext for the Mother Church.

A Red Horse is the second seal of Revelation 6:3-4. It symbolizes War and Communism; political theory devised by Karl Marx.


Marx advocated class war in his Communist Manifesto. Marx believed in a totalitarian society. He believed all property should be owned by the public. He argued this was the best solution for society. Each person received pay for work according to their need and ability. There’s a ruling class and a servant class in this worldview.

Communism is responsible for exerting political force to make the masses comply with its dictates; therefore, a dictator is often at the helm of such conquests. It’s the nature of the beast.

Nationalization of industry is its trademark and often begins as socialism and develops in small incremental steps as it evolves into more refined forms of totalitarianism.

Redistribution of wealth and giving to people with low income on the surface appear as noble causes. Underneath a veneer of good intentions is a diabolical scheme to enslave people.

This red horse creates classes of the citizenry by creating class warfare and division. It fosters disunity, intrigue, and distrust among those it dominates.

The Adversary demands no free speech. The four horsemen of the apocalypse will bring bondage and death regardless of color.

A Black Horse is a third seal of Revelation 6:5-6. It is the extremes of Judaism, Capitalism or Famine. A black horse represents an economic system which production of goods and distribution depends on privately invested capital and profits.

The black horse symbolizes a conglomerate of Jewish bankers controlling the world’s monetary policies through a central banking system. Buying and selling is the essence of the economy and free trade. It should be fairly easy to understand why this one horse of the four horsemen of the apocalypse will be needed by the Adversary.

Visit home page to see The Adversary.

It involves the Rothschild family, Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and Tri-Lateral Commission (TLC). Its weakness is unless there are anti-trust and monopolistic laws in place it tends to collect in a small oligarchy. This makes only a few rich and prosperous. Its operation fleeces the resources of hard-working people to serve its appetite for control.

The Federal Reserve System enacted by Congress in 1913 is part of the oligarchy.

Banking Oligarch

Government collects taxes to fund legitimate functions like the military and post office. But it also lays and collects taxes to fund social programs to help low-income people.

Mr. Money Bags

Government operations and social programs have a legitimate place in society. People living below poverty guidelines is a church responsibility to help. The church neglects its responsibilities. And this burden of responsibility is shifted from the church to government.

Did the government take over the responsibility or did the church surrender it?

Human nature is at fault in either instance. It may be the direct result of a man refusing to live under the laws of God. Sometimes we can’t tell who’s at fault or responsible for dereliction of duty. Neglect borders on the definition of chaos and confusion.

Capitalism would work if not for a flawed human nature and greed.

The problem with most systems devised by man is some might work in theory if not for a fallen nature. Capitalism would work if it were based on biblical principles of fair trade. The reality is man doesn’t know how to govern without Christ providing a Spirit of equality and fairness.

A Constitutional Republic

Therefore, our Founding Fathers picked the best principles of governance and separated its powers in a constitution. People still need God to play an active role in government for it to work.

America is a republican form of government. It will only work for a moral citizenry. It’s totally inadequate for any other as stated by John Adams.

Our Founders designed a federal government with checks and balances of power in place to safeguard against human nature. It was then as well as now the subject of something that will never change!

A Pale Horse is a fourth seal in Revelation 6:7-8. Islam is form of spiritual Pestilence representing a religious imperialism based on 7th Century teachings of Muhammad.

A color change can alter the dynamic of a commonly assumed premise and perhaps intentionally hidden? Strong’s Strongest Concordance, G5515 is used four times. χλωρός, chlōrŏs, khlo-ros΄. Twice in the gospel of Mark and twice in Revelation.

The word pale in this case is also the same as green such as green grass in other verses. Green fits the symbolic color of Islam as is its painted doors and gates. Most nations in the Middle East have flags with green backgrounds or with stars or swords on them.

Of all the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the pale horse is the most ominous. It is terminal.


Muhammad, descendant of Esau, was born A.D. 570. He receives a visit from the angel Gabriel who commands him to recite verses sent by God. According to Islamic tradition, the Qur’an was revealed to Muhammad over a period of twenty-three years. His revelations continued until his death in 632.

He preached a strict monotheism. Muhammad warned of a Day of Judgment. He believed all human beings would be held accountable for their deeds.

He didn’t reject Christianity or Judaism, but said Allah sent him to complete and perfect those teachings. The Islamic idea of completion and perfection calls for the institution of a Caliphate by means of world conquest to convert all to Islam. If infidels refused to convert, they were put to death by the sword.

Muhammad’s Legendary Journey

Dome of the Rock, Temple Mount, Jerusalem

The Dome of the Rock was built in 691 A.D. It commemorates Muhammad’s legendary journey from the rock he stood on and ascended to heaven. This is the same place where Abraham was going to sacrifice Issac to YHVH, but Muslims believe it was Ishmael being sacrificed to Allah. Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is considered the third most holy site of Islam after Mecca and Medina.

Muslims know the Temple Mount as Haram al-Sharif (The Noble Sanctuary). Could this be the abomination of desolation standing where it ought not prophesy by Daniel and Jesus (Matthew 24:15). It serves as a symbol to another god. If Jews attempt to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque, it will be considered an act of war.

Muhammad’s Visitation

Lucifer arranged a supposed visitation to Muhammad. A papal emissary went from Rome, not Gabriel, to help lay plans for a rival religion to oppose Judaism.

It’s a comparable case of good-cop bad-cop. One religion would commit atrocities to another religion allowing Lucifer’s counterfeit Christianity to appear as the savior.

One distinguishable purpose for the four horsemen of the apocalypse is to move the world into compliance with Lucifer. The world has rejected the salvation offered by Jesus, so this is the only other option.

This sets the stage for the Pope, whoever he is, to bring peace to a hotly contested area. Lucifer will resolve a conflict that he himself created!

However, this scheme of the Vatican went terribly wrong!

Two Presumptions of Error

Two errors are made in Christianity. The first is that we’re all worshipping the same God. Allah is a moon god, not YHVH worshipped by Abraham. The second is that human nature is inherently good and able to fix itself.

Allah worshipped in Islam is adversarial to the God of Israel in the Old Testament. Human nature is wicked and cruel to others.

The virtue in its teaching is it has no foundation of love attached to it. Islam’s method of evangelism is by the sword. Conversion is saying the shahada, the Muslim profession of faith. “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah,” or die

It is overwhelmingly evident that deceived people are western Christians. Islamicists KNOW exactly what they believe. They know WHAT their objectives are. Muslims know exactly HOW to accomplish it.

Even the Jews understand this. Islam is a religion of death for anyone who desire to remain in Christianity or Judaism. Of the four horsemen of the apocalypse the pale horse is ridden by the Grimm Reaper.

When Jesus said, “This gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the entire world as a witness to all the nations,” he did not mean to evangelize the world by converting Muslim and pagan nations to Christianity.

Preaching the Gospel is a witness and warning in of itself. Some may see the light and repent, but a clear majority will remain loyal to Lucifer (Allah) to death believing the lie. Of all three religions the religion of peace is actually a religion of death.

Character of Prophet Muhammad

History reveals that Islamic prophet Muhammad was a murderer and child molester, a caravan robber, and a woman beater. He was not some saintly person by any stretch of the imagination!

 Would the God of heaven create a religion of death such as Islam? Do we think Muslims can pray to Allah, assuming this is the same God of Israel, and ask him to destroy Israel by wiping them off the face of the map?

The thief comes to kill and destroy, but Jesus came that we would have abundant life (John 10:10). Make no mistake; all three major world religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam have Lucifer’s warring spirit working within.

A Difference of Color

Why in this instance Bible translators used a pale horse instead of a green horse is unknown. The interpretation of epidemic diseases spread through biological warfare also fit Islam’s modus operandi.

There is little doubt that this religion fits the description of its rider’s primary purpose of delivering death. Hell follows the pale horse, and its reward is a grave in the works of Islam.

This shade of pale of the horsemen of the apocalypse shows it is close to the ground where a grave is. Hamas hiding in caves and tunnels is also noteworthy.

Sharia Law: The Way to Hate

Islamic Sharia law means the way and is antithetical to The Way led by Yeshua. It’s the fastest growing religion in the world. This political imperialism dressed as a religion reportedly has over one and a half billion adherents worldwide.

Video on Sharia law here.

Radical Islam represents the greatest threat to world peace and stability. It also presents a tremendous challenge to those considered infidels by belonging to other religions. Islam refuses to accept any religion but Islam. There is no peace with Islam.

Seventy of the world’s 184 countries are Islamic. Ten percent of Muslims consider themselves as radical Fundamentalists. That is a threat of no less than one hundred fifty million potential terrorists roaming the world today.

Where does this hate come from? How’s this mindset made?

The constantly flowing source that feeds and nourishes hate is the Qur’an itself. The book contains the ideology of Muhammad in verse and teaching form. The Muslim ‘holy’ book teaches hatred for Jews and Christians.

Many instructed by the Qur’an are to act against the enemies of Islam. This is anyone not a Muslim. With this kind of hatred, how can the Jews ever find peace living alongside Islam? How can there ever be peace in the world?

What’s the difference between PEACEFUL and RADICAL Fundamentalist Muslims when they both read and teach from the same book?

Islamic Jihad and Taqiyya

Maybe Americans should take more serious Muhammad’s words taught, learned, and recited by Muslims. These people use a tactic called taqiyya: “War is deception. Negotiate peace with your enemy until you are strong enough to annihilate him.” Taqiyya is an Arabic term allowing a Muslim to lie until they gain the upper hand over the enemy. Who is the father of lies?

Islam froze in time. It froze during the seventh-century culture of Mecca. Islam’s founder, Muhammad, raised the Qur’an to the level of ‘Divine Revelation’ or how people should live for all time.

Jihad is more of a modern concept but primarily with forcing this culture upon the whole world either by conversion or conquest. Muhammad is a product of his culture, but the religion is based on the perception of Muhammad’s worldview and how he perceived life.

The Jews never accepted Muhammad as God’s prophet and never forgiven for it. This hostility is evident in the Qur’an. It raises the issue that the Jews never accepted their prophet either, but instead murdered him (Yeshua of Nazareth).

What began as a rivalry between two brothers deteriorated into a family feud that eventually developed into irreconcilable hatred? Hatred of the Jews in Islam is justified as a religious cause.

Islam basically resurrects the ancient hatred and jealousies of Ishmael and Esau. The Muslim struggle enshrined in the Qur’an is a religious doctrine. Hatred of Jews pre-date Muhammad. It is largely confined to Arabs. Hatred of Jews is encouraged by the Qur’an. According to Islamic tradition it continues to operate as a pretext for justifiable hatred.

Whatever other country Islam has spread; Jew-hate has spread with it. Jihad is now a worldwide endeavor of Fundamentalist everywhere and for those working to fundamentally change the world.

Fundamentally Changing America

Barack Obama embracing his Muslim roots

Islam is nothing less than a religious-cultural imperialism that desires to take over the world by its Caliphate.

Muslim Barack Hussein Obama works in the shadows as a fifth column aiding the Islamic Caliphate in invading America.

It’s highly probable that Obama was and is a traitor, an agent working for the Muslim Brotherhood. He used the White House to allow the Islamic State (ISIS) to enter the United States through an unprotected border. He now uses his vassal Joe Biden to continue the invasion.

This is aiding and abetting an enemy sworn to our destruction and to infiltrate every state. We now know what President Hussein meant by fundamentally changing America in his 2008 campaign.

Land of Peace and War

Muhammad’s teaching divided the world into two spheres of operation: Dar al-Islam, the land of peace and Dar al-Harb, the land of war. Muhammad believed that the Muslim is in a perpetual state of jihad or holy war with all countries belonging to the Dar al-Harb sphere.

A true and devout Muslim committed to his cause states Allah has willed him to establish Sharia law over the entire earth, either by conversion or by the sword. The works of Islam is evident in all four horsemen of the apocalypse.

“He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword” (Revelation 13:110). This takes on a whole new meaning. Maybe it speaks of Islam?

Learn From the Prophets

If you want to understand Christianity, then learn from its prophet, Yeshua – Jesus. If you want to understand Islam, then learn from the prophet Muhammad. The source of deity is not the same, and mindset of each is antithetical to one another.

Islam’s Allah hu Akbar (God is great) is blasphemy against the God of Israel by saying that Allah, a fictitious moon god invented by Islamic imperialism, is greater than YHVH Yeshua of the Holy Bible. The Qur’an doesn’t mention Jerusalem as an Arabic holy site.

Fundamental beliefs in Islam will guarantee to cause great conflict for both Jews and Christians. Muhammad’s stance discredits the Bible as the authentic Word of God, dismissing it as laced with lies and deceit.

Muslims teach the Jews deliberately perverted the original blessing and revelation given to Abraham. Muslims believe Abraham’s blessing was passed to Ishmael instead of Isaac. Ishmael is believed to be the child promised to Abraham. and he who was spared on Mount Moriah.

The Temple Mount to Muslims serves as two historic monuments. Ishmael and Muhammed both utilize the rock under the Dome of the Rock.

Abraham’s Family War

Three world religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the crown jewel of Lucifer’s Babylon. Abraham’s family has been at war more times in the history of the world than any other family. Because of this fraternal quarrel the world will soon ignite WW3. Judaism waits for their messiah. Contemporary Christianity waits for their Constantinian version of Jesus, and Islam waits for their 12th Imam.

The world waits for a hybrid of each to bring peace to the world on the brink of world war. It will be Lucifer himself that sits in a third temple at Jerusalem to deceive the nations. He will make a covenant of peace.

It is obvious that all religions own at least one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

The Final Exam

The four seals or four horsemen of the apocalypse will test those who inherit the Kingdom of God. The testing involves qualities pertaining to leadership and authority, power and material wealth. It permeates both political and religious aspects of human existence.

A Being of super intelligence designed this final exam using the four horsemen of the apocalypse. This is why Jesus Christ (who is God) is the only one who’s qualified to open the seven seals. Jesus Christ is the only one who has the wisdom to evaluate and administer the final exam and judge righteously.

The seventh trumpet is the Rapture

The fifth and sixth seals are a test of faith and election of 144,000 kings and priests. The seventh seal contains an ominous reverent silence, a prelude to sounding of seven trumpets, and specifically a sounding of the seventh trumpet, the Rapture and return of Jesus Christ!